Who We Are

A glimpse into the deep, deep depths of Mrs. K and Mrs. O ...

1) What is your biggest pet peeve?

Mrs. K:  An un-made bed

Mrs. O:  Trash next to a trash can

2) Favorite OPI / Essie color?

MK:  Fingers: Essie Ballet Slippers...Toes: OPI Cajun Shrimp

MO:  Lincoln Park After Dark!  Lincoln Park After Dark!  OMG, I love this question!

3) People would be surprised to know that I __________.

MK:  Was in both a Hardees & Wal Mart commercial back in the day.

MO:  Am only 5'3".  Really tall shoes and really long pants, Birdies.

4) Favorite summer time drink? 

MK:  Beer: Blue Moon...Cocktail: Mojito

MO:  Can I say Perrier with a lime?  Does it have to have alcohol?  Ok, Perrier with a lime with vodka.

5) What makes you feel confident?

MK:  A gin & tonic? Kidding...sort of... What really makes me feel confident is a good spa day. You know when you go and get the works: a wax, mani, pedi, and cut and color. You leave feeling like a new woman. You feel refreshed, relaxed and ready to take on whatever b/s life hands you. 

MO:  Spanx.  And a good morning.  If I can get out the door without tearing everything out of my closet like a crazy lady and taking a moment for each member of my family, I feel stronger and more confident.

6) If you had to cut the budget on a single element of your wedding, what would it be?

MK:  Gosh, there are so many things I would add to my wedding, but take one away...that's a toughie. I would probably say to take away the wedding album. Mine is actually sitting in the box it came in under my desk at work. I think I have flipped through it once. Its so big and bulky it doesn't really make for a great coffee table book. I could have probably made one on my own for a lot cheaper.

MO:  The flowers.  I'd get married outside in a location with a naturally-existing beautiful landscape so there wouldn't be a need to bring anything in.  Budget conscious and environmentally friendly!

7) Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp?

MK:  Christian Bale. Depp is so not my type, but I get why women think he is sexy, hes just not my kind of sexy. If this question was asked 15 years ago I would have said Pitt...River Runs Through It, Thelma & Louise, YUM...but I am still not over the Jennifer break up, and I am not team Jolie at all so...I can't back that anymore. 

MO:  Was yesterday, is today, and will be tomorrow Johnny Depp.